The Role, Rationale, Evidence and Practical Application of
Combination Therapy with DTE in Selected Patients with Hypothyroidism
A Year 2021 Hypothyroidism Update for the Endocrinology, Primary Care, Internal Medicine, and Thyroid Specialist
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Do you recommend measuring T3 levels in patients who are not satisfied with or symptomatically burdened after being launched on T4? What factors support a decision to embark on combination T4/T3 therapy, either by adding T3 or treating with DTE?
How do you measure clinical success in persons started on thyroid replacement therapy? What balance are you looking to strike in a treatment outcome as it relates to improved laboratory findings and improved patient well-being and quality-of-life?
Among patients who are started on combination therapy with DTE or add-on T3, what do your patients report? What is the trial-based evidence that supports use of DTE in a selected group of patients failing to respond optimally to T4?
Can you summarize the epidemiology, evaluation, quality-of-life issues, and treatment challenges for hypothyroidism encountered by clinicians, including primary care, internal medicine, endocrine, women’s health, and geriatric specialists?
What is the composition of dessicated thyroid extract (DTE) and what makes it potentially useful in patients who have has suboptimal response to LT4 monotherapy? What properties are shared by available DTE preparations—NP Thyroid® and Armour Thyroid?